Hello Again.

Hello again world,

My name is Crystal and you may remember when I was blogging under the name Get Lost in Fiction from 2012-2015. Well… I have decided that I want to get back to blogging my love for books! I will now be blogging under Get Lost in Stories. One, because Get Lost in Fiction was taken; two because "Stories" seem to be a more inclusive word where I can cover multiple topics. So, I can still review books, but I can also tell the stories of my travel adventures and my life in general. 

Today is December 13th, the day I say "hello" to blogging again and the day I say "hello" to my 30’s! I’m SOOO excited for both!!

If you decided to stick around with me on this journey; I will be blogging mostly about my love for books, traveling, cool spots in the DFW and plant life! Feel free to subscribe so that you can see all my blog post. You can also follow my adventures on Instagram under the name @GetLostinStories

Again, Welcome (back) to my blog, thanks and happy reading!


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